To who?
Today, July 7th 2023, we send out a newsletter to most of the Alpine countries, France, Switserland, Germany and Austria including almost 1,500 addresses with combined interest. From Tourist offices to first aid organization, mountain guides and local governments.
Target for sending our newsletter is to find partnerships to develop the OutdoorSOSApp in the Alpine countries. As in the Netherlands the product and concept is working succesfull, we now want to expend the OutdoorSOS Application to the outdoor market with focus on the Alpine countries for summer- and wintersports.
The newsletter invites organisations and resorts to participate in our succesfull Dutch application and transform the excisting application to an outdoor application that saves lifes, provide only neccessary information combined with a video connection and help organizations to be more efficient and therefore cost reductive.
What are we hoping for?
We are looking forward to new partnerships to be able to further develop what started as a concept in to a real live succesfull OutdoorSOSApp version for tourists and aid workers. Safety is our core business and calling!