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About Us

Our Story

In 2017 Frank van den Wildenberg came with an idea to create a safety application for Emergency Response within companies and organisations as mandatory by Dutch law.

What started as an Emergency Response app for the Dutch market, soon became also interesting for another type of aid needed activities. After a recent personal experience in the French mountains while snowboarding on a remote site when an accident occurred right in front of Frank.

Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Language issues, location issue and unclear of what help actually needed. It took more than 3 hours before the young boy of 13 years of age, in the mountain with only a group and without his parents, finally was transported by helicopter to the ER of the Alberville Hospital (where they confirmed the patients broken back).

Out of this experience Frank organized a group of experts in different fields and specialities, and started project Outdoor SOS App. The motto “Help is always close by” should also be available on all locations in outdoor life.

With the Outdoor SOS App a new level of safety has been created for all people loving outdoor life!

The original idea

Frank van den Wildenberg is the creator of the SOSHELP-PRO App, the safety application for Emergency Response within companies and organisations as mandatory by Dutch law.

In his position as Safety Coordinator at Enexis, he invariably asked his colleagues the same thing: what do you do when…

That had to be different. Better. Simpler. So he went looking for a solution. That was not there, so Frank decided in 2017 to develop a solution himself. Thus the SOSHELP-PRO App was born. As simple as a life preserver.

Because when someone falls into the water, all you have to do is throw the lifebuoy and with that you offer immediate help. Without expertise, without complicated procedures. That’s how the app had to work. If an emergency occurs, all you have to do is press the SOS button. The app does the rest!

Ultimately, the SOSHELP-PRO App is a better solution than existing apps and works at the same but often even lower cost.

Super Efficient

The more efficient the more lives can be saved.

Deeply Committed

Saving lives is our core business.

Easy in use

If an emergency occurs, all you have to do is press the SOS button.

Edsard Kok

Senior Project Manager

Frank van den Wildenberg
